Milia Removal London

Saying goodbye to those tiny white spots that appear on the face is easy with milia removal in London.

Milia are harmless but can affect your self-confidence when they appear around the eyes and nose or across the cheeks. Luckily, expert dermatologists at Dr Haus Dermatology offer a number of effective milia removal treatments which will restore your smooth, clear skin.

You can book a consultation to find out more about the milia removal treatment options we offer in London and find out how we can help you feel great about your skin again.

Call us on Tel: +44 20 7935 6358 or email:


What is a milia spot?

Milia are hard spots found on the surface of the skin. The bumps are tiny cysts filled with a protein called keratin and are caused by a build-up of dead skin cells. They are usually white in colour but sometimes appear as yellowish bumps.

Milia spots are completely benign, and milia is one of the most common skin conditions that we treat at the London skin clinic.

What causes milia to develop?

The reason why the dead skin cells collect without being shed normally is still a mystery, although sun damage and overuse of steroid creams have been suggested as culprits.

Ageing seems to increase the risk of developing milia, and it particularly affects middle-aged women, but the skin condition also occurs in newborn babies.


Different types of milia

Neonatal milia

Milia can often be seen on the skin of newborn babies and children under a year old and is thought to be caused by immature sweat glands. In babies, the condition is sometimes called baby acne, milk spots or neonatal milia. Neonatal milia usually disappears without treatment.


Primary milia

Primary milia develop spontaneously in adults and children without any apparent cause. If they occur in children, they are often a temporary condition; however, they are commonly permanent in adults.


Secondary milia

Secondary milia are caused by damage to the skin from injury, sun exposure, inflammatory conditions and overuse of skincare products.


Multiple eruptive milia

Multiple eruptive milia are less common than the primary or secondary types. This type of milia tends to appear in clusters on the face, upper arms and upper body.


Milia en plaque

Milia en plaque is extremely rare and this type of milia forms on an inflamed area of skin or plaque.

Milia Removal Treatment in London

In some cases, milia removal treatment may not be required as the white bumps can disappear of their own accord.

However, if your milia shows no sign of leaving, then we have a number of milia removal treatments to offer at our London skin clinic.

The most common form of milia removal is needle extraction.

During this procedure, the skin in the area surrounding the milia is thoroughly cleansed. A sterile needle is then used to carefully puncture the milia without damaging the skin tissues. The keratin in each milium cyst is then gently removed.

Is there any downtime after a milia removal procedure with a sterile needle?

Minimal downtime is required after this type of milia removal procedure in London.

You may find that the treated area looks a little red for a while, perhaps with the appearance of mosquito bites. However, the skin damage is minimal, and the healing process won’t take long.

Soon, you will have smooth, unblemished skin once more.

Other treatments to remove milia in London

We offer a range of other effective milia removal treatments at our London skin clinic, which can be helpful in removing and preventing milia formation.

Your aesthetic practitioner may suggest one of the following to reduce milia and keep your skin in perfect condition.


Chemical peels

Chemical peels are excellent for removing dead skin cells, the main component of milium cysts, and revealing the brighter skin beneath.


Laser treatment

Laser ablation is a procedure carried out at our London skin clinic. A small laser is used to open the milia cysts, and the contents are then easily removed.


Hydrafacial London

The Hydrafacial offers a superior level of cleansing combined with gently effective exfoliation that removes the dead skin cells that encourage milia to



Why is milia removal at home a bad idea?

However tempting it may be to squeeze milia or prick milia cysts with a pin or needle, it is always best to leave milia removal to a medical professional.

Unfortunately, DIY efforts may result in infection and even scarring.

We are experienced in milia removal treatment, and you will be delighted with the results after you have been professionally treated by one of our expert dermatologists.


Why Dr Haus Dermatology in London should be your first choice for milia removal

In the decade since he opened his dermatology clinic in Harley Street, Dr Ariel Haus has established a reputation as one of London’s finest dermatologists. In 2023, his expertise and popularity were recognised with the award of Top Dermatologist by the Tatler Beauty & Cosmetic Surgery Guide.

Dr Haus and his team take an individual approach to the clients that they welcome to the clinic. We are sensitive to cultural and personal requirements and understand that you may prefer to be treated by female practitioners.

Every client has an initial consultation to discuss their skin concerns. After a thorough discussion, a personalised treatment plan will be prepared for you to ensure that you receive the best treatment possible for your skin.

If you would like to discuss a milia removal procedure, please telephone us at +44 20 7935 6358, send an enquiry on the Contact Us Page or email


How to find our London clinic

Dr Haus Dermatology Clinic can be found on Harley Street, London’s world-renowned centre for excellent beauty and medical treatment. The clinic is easy to find and only a short distance from Great Portland Street, Oxford Circus and Regent’s Park underground stations.


Dr Haus Dermatology
75 Harley Street
London W1G 8QL

You can find out more about the other milia removal treatments recommended on this page here: Skin Peels London, Laser Skin Treatment and HydraFacial London


Location Map 

Recommended Treatments: Skin Peels London, Laser Skin Treatment and HydraFacial London

I was introduced to Dr Ariel Haus a few years and I’m very grateful for that introduction. Both himself and staff are very professional, I always get a warm welcome and I would highly recommend him for your Dermatology needs.

Michael Ellis

Milia removal London
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