Dermal Fillers London

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are non-surgical treatments delivered by injection that are used to plump up skin and restore volume. They can be used on areas of the face where volume has been lost through the process of natural ageing.  Dermal fillers can also be used to provide contour and definition for lip augmentation.

At our clinic on London’s Harley Street only the latest and most effective dermal fillers are used. Dermal Fillers can be safely used on men and women, as well as all skin types and colours.

Whereas in the past early dermal fillers contained collagen, today the majority of dermal fillers used throughout the world contain Hyaluronic Acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the human body.  It plays an important role in supporting our soft tissue and is therefore a natural choice for use in dermal filler treatments.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Dermal fillers are administered via a fine injection to the area where improvement is required.  While only a tiny amount of dermal filler will ever be injected into the skin, it will still produce a noticeable result, the Hyaluronic Acid will draw in moisture from surrounding soft tissue to plump the skin. Hyaluronic Acid is excellent at retaining moisture and one molecule can hold up to 1000 times of its own weight in water.

Dermal Fillers Can Be Used To:

  • reduce deep lines and wrinkles on the face, such as ‘nose to mouth lines’
  • remove the downward turning ‘sad lines’ at the corners of the mouth
  • fill in or smooth out depressions beneath the lower eyelid with tear trough filler
  • contour sunken cheeks
  • add volume and definition to the lips with lip augmentation.

 Dermal Filler Treatment in London 

Our Experienced Dermatologists provide Dermal Filler injections at our clinic at 75 Harley Street in Central London.  To make an appointment to see a Dermatologist, please telephone us on +44 20 7935 6358, send us an enquiry on the Contact Us Page or email

Used to treat: Aging Skin, Crows Feet & Tear Troughs, Dark Circles, Lines and Wrinkles, Loss of Skin Volume on the Arms and Hands and Thin Lips

  • Number of treatments required: Every six months.
  • Results visible: Immediately.
  • Social downtime: 24-72 hours.
  • Ouch factor: Minimal to moderate.

Responses to treatment with Dermal Fillers will vary from person to person and may even vary in the same person over time. It is for this reason that results are not guaranteed.

The staff are so friendly, the rooms luxurious. Dr Haus is an excellent dermatologist with international experience. I have not looked back since I started using him for myself and my family. Highly recommend him.

Geni Auret

Lip Fillers London - Dr. Ariel Haus
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