Hyperpigmentation Treatment in London

Skin hyperpigmentation covers a broad spectrum of concerns and its treatment is one of the most common reasons for visits to our London dermatology clinic.

It can occur in people of different skin colour, skin type and skin texture.

On this page, we explore skin pigmentation and hyperpigmentation in more detail and examine different options for hyperpigmentation treatment in London.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation could be defined as a darkening of the skin from its regular baseline colour, from whatever cause. It may occur in the form of diffuse, generalised skin darkening or localised spots or patches.

You could say a sun tan is a type of generalised hyperpigmentation. The same mechanism involved in producing that very welcome change of colour, is also involved in producing unwanted localised hyperpigmentation (blemishes, freckles and other skin imperfections).

While most of these do not pose any serious medical threat, hyperpigmentation causes anxiety, and can be upsetting from the psychological point of view.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation? 

In essence, the sun, along with some other predisposing factors. Melanin is the skin’s pigment (brown in colour), which is normally produced in response to the sun (UV light) to protect against sun damage.

Melanin and Pigmentation

In the case of hyperpigmentation, melanin production goes into overdrive and is deposited irregularly in the skin, giving the appearance of brown patches or dark spots.

This melanin over-production can be triggered by existing sun damage, acne or other skin scarring, or inflammation carried over from a past flare-up of eczema or psoriasis (also known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

If dark spots appear on the skin from out of nowhere, it is almost certainly hyperpigmentation caused by melanin and previous excess sun exposure.


Melasma is a particular category of hyperpigmentation, that is linked to hormonal fluctuation. It is relatively common and affects mainly women, especially during pregnancy. Melasma typically presents on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and upper lip.

Other Causes

Hyperpigmentation can sometimes also be caused by minor leakage from weak blood vessels, usually seen on the lower limbs. These lesions are known as pigmented purpuric dermatoses.

How is Hyperpigmentation Diagnosed?

Normally, your dermatologist will cast an experienced eye over the affected area in a consultation and ask questions about your medical history and lifestyle that may be relevant to the excess pigmentation.

A hand-held microscope, known as a dermascope (or dermatoscope), might be used. Other sophisticated diagnostic techniques include digital imaging platforms, which provide an instant, pain-free and non-invasive view beneath the skin’s surface. This gives the dermatologist a very accurate ‘behind the scenes’ picture of the darkened areas to help them understand the causes of the pigmentation in a fast and effective way.

Targeted Skin Pigmentation Treatments London

One of the baseline recommendations made by most dermatologists would be to apply daily, broad spectrum sun protection (sunscreen of SPF30 or higher) on affected areas.

Topical treatments, such as hydroquinone, retinoids, corticosteroids, azelaic acid and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and/or oral medications may also be prescribed.

Laser Treatment and Chemical Peels

Hyperpigmentation laser treatment is very often deployed, with reliably good results. We also offer a full range of chemical peel treatments, which all differ in their strength, peeling activity and downtime.

Most skin pigmentation issues can be resolved in a fast and effective way.

The one exception to this is melasma which, though classified a chronic condition, can be effectively managed over time. Melasma triggered by pregnancy often disappears soon after giving birth.

Dr Haus Dermatology Hyperpigmentation Clinic London

Dr Haus, our clinic founder, is a skin specialist with over 20 years’ of experience in treating hyperpigmentation conditions. Trained in Brazil, where there are many different tones and types of skin, as well as plenty of sun exposure, he has what might be considered the ideal professional pedigree for hyperpigmentation treatment.

However, all of the dermatologists at our clinic are experienced in diagnosing and treating skin pigmentation and hyperpigmentation conditions and so rest assured, you will always be in good hands.

Dr Haus Dermatology in Harley Street was the first practice in the UK to offer patients ‘elos’ technology, a state-of-the-art platform that delivers laser, light and radio frequencies to treat hyperpigmentation.

Other laser treatments include the Erbium and Fraxel modalities. Microneedling and drug delivery, with the application of special serum, is another powerful tool in the Dr Haus Dermatology kit that we use to treat unwanted pigmentation.

Skin Pigmentation Treatment at our Clinic

If you, or someone you know, are troubled by the appearance of a new blemish, lingering skin discolouration following inflammation, new dark patches or any kind of unusual skin pigmentation symptoms, book a consultation with skin experts Dr Haus Dermatology in London today.

It is always good practice to have skin changes checked to exclude more serious conditions, especially if you have a history of over-exposure to the sun.

Whether you are an existing patient or have found your way to this article because you have a pigmentation problem that is causing concern, we will be happy to hear from you at appointments@drhausdermatology.com. Or use the enquiry form on our website:

Hyperpigmentation Treatment: CONTACT US TODAY

We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic for a consultation about pigmentation concerns or any skin needs. We will formulate a treatment plan for you that will significantly improve you skin and reduce any worries you may have about pigmentation.

Recommended Treatments: Dr Haus 7D Face Refresh, Laser Skin Treatment and Skin Peels London

Well, what can I say here? Dr Haus is a magician!

I have been a patient for 7 years now and I must say I never looked back. I have had various procedures - and the results are always outstanding! Everyone working with Dr Haus is very warm, friendly and super professional, so I can ask all my silly questions! So every time I am booked to go in, I am really looking forward to it - it feels like home.

So just to sum up - don't hesitate for a second - you are going to meet a brilliant professional with a great personality, who will take care of all your skin needs!

Lucy Zorina

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